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THATCamp U Cincinnati 2017 – Preliminary Schedule Now Available

thatcamp-2015THATCamp U Cincinnati 2017 will take place on Monday May 1 through Wednesday May 3, 2017 and will be hosted by the UC Libraries in Langsam Library.  A preliminary schedule has been posted: .  This year’s event will also feature an optional half-day on Digital Game Design led by Dr. Evan Torner on the last day of the event.

More details will be posted as plans develop. We hope that you are able to join us!


THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2017 Planning Committee

Arlene Johnson-Associate Senior Librarian, UC Libraries, Co-Director, Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Center

James Lee, Assistant Professor, Digital Humanities / Early Modern Literature and Culture, Co-Director, Digital Humanities / Digital Scholarship Center

Lisa Haitz-Software Developer, UC Libraries

Suzanne Reller-Associate Senior Librarian, Reference/Collections Librarian, Archives and Rare Books Library

Jenny Mackiewicz – Coordinator, Special Projects & Programs, UC Libraries

David Sandor – Circulation Supervisor, College-Conservatory of Music Library

Melissa Norris – Director of Library Communications, UC Libraries